About Our Programs

Wee Wisdom Preschool is a licensed, non-profit, Christian preschool at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection.

Our focus is on the education, social, physical and spiritual development of our students. We create thematic units and multi-sensory activities to boost emergent math and reading readiness skills. We provide opportunities for students to develop their motor skills and improve physical coordination through music, dance and group games. We utilize classroom jobs and helper days to model responsibility and empathy.

Course Offerings

2 - Day Class

  • Meets from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Curriculum is appropriate for 3 year-old and 4 year-old children who are looking to attend preschool for 2 years.
  • All students must turn 3 on or before September 15th and be potty trained.


3 - Day Class

  • Meets from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Curriculum is appropriate for 4 year old and 5 year old children as they prepare to transition to kindergarten. 
  • All students must be potty trained.

Our Day

Check in/Free Play - Students engage in free play and build routines as they arrive each day

Community Circle - Students are welcomed by name and greet each other to talk about objectives for the day using stories, songs and games. 

Center Time - On any given day centers may include process art, science experiments, dramatic play, fine motor skills, social emotional learning and interpersonal relationship building. 

Snack and Books - Students eat a nutritious snack while working on table skills and participate in student led quiet reading time.

Music and Movement - The class gathers for large group singing, dancing and instrumental play. 

Recess - We have a playground and courtyard on our campus for students to exercise their gross motor skills.

Closing Circle - Students close out their day by recapping their social emotional learning and preparing to transition home.


Tuition is due on the first of the month, September through May. 

 *There is a 5% discount if you pay tuition in full in September.


2 - Day Class:

     $1,800 annually/$200 per month

Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $100


3 - Day Class:

     $2,250 annually/$250 per month

 Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $100