Thank you for your support!

Click the "Donate" link below to make an online donation to Lutheran Church of the Resurrection.

You do not have to have a PayPal account - you may pay by credit card.


Note: You can designate what you would like to put your gift toward - click on "use this donation for," and select an option.

Donations are currently being directed toward:

General (General Fund) - This money goes toward the operation of the church and all of its programs.

Mission - 100% of the money donated to "Mission" is given to the Mission of the month. March/April envelopes will go to Matthew 25.

Care Kits - Donate to help fund Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits.

Hospital - Donations will go to Augusta Victoria Hospital. Donations during Lent 2025 will be matched, up to $2500, by our Living Legacy Group.

Lilies - Order an Easter Lily for the church sanctuary

Living Legacy Fund - The LCR's Living Legacy Fund's purpose is to provide ministry, education, and stewardship opportunities for the church that is in addition and apart from the general operation of the church. An example of that is Diana Butler Bass' appearance at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in November 2023.

Donate via Venmo - @lcrmarion (Resurrection Lutheran)

We give as a tangible expression of thanksgiving to God, as an act of worship, and as an act of faith and trust in God. We give because we recognize that all of life is a gift from God. But we also give to invest in and make possible the ministries of our church. Nothing happens without the generosity of our members giving their time and resources. The earliest expressions of worship in the Bible did not involve singing or sermons. Instead God’s people brought an offering − some portion of their income (at the time grain, or livestock) as an expression of thanksgiving to God.


You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.
-2 Corinthians 9:11-12

Other ways to give

1. Weekly envelopes (available from the office). Checks may be mailed to the church: Lutheran Church of the Resurrection; 3500 29th Ave; Marion, IA  52302.


2. Simply Giving EFT allows you to give every week, month, or quarter as you choose. You don't have to remember to bring a physical check to church and the church receives a steady income!


Please download the form below, print it, complete the information, sign it, and bring it back to the church. If you are signing up for Simply Giving the first time, please attach a voided check. If you are just making an update to your giving, no voided check is required.

Simply Giving form (click to download)

Mail to: Lutheran Church of the Resurrection; attn: Recording Secretary; 3500 29th Avenue; Marion, IA 52302


3. Appreciated Assets – Lutheran Church of the Resurrection can accept gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, works of art, land, real estate and other types of personal property. We encourage you to talk with your financial advisor before making any gift of this type to the church.


4. Retirement accounts – Distributions from retirement accounts such as IRA’s and qualified retirement plans may be given.  Part or all of your post age 70 ½ IRA Distribution may be given directly to LCR and excluded from AGI.  Naming Lutheran Church of the Resurrection as a beneficiary on an IRA or pension account allows a distribution at death to pass tax-free to the church.


5. Life Insurance - There are special ways you can use life insurance as a gift-giving device.  Some examples include:

  • Give the cash value accumulated in a policy.
  • Donate the annual dividends of a policy
  • Designate the church as the beneficiary of the policy