Here is a variety of small groups for folks of all ages and experiences.

Check our calendar for the most recent schedule!


Every Wednesday

Wednesday Bible Study with Pastor Jeff

On Wednesday at 11 am in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Jeff will lead us on a weekly reflection on the upcoming lessons for Sunday morning.  There is no better way to prepare for worship than to be in conversation with the scriptures for the day.  Feel free to come whenever it works into your schedule or become a regular!  Your thoughts and insights will help enlighten the weekly sermon and prepare you to get more out of worship.   



All Current Offerings

Check our calendar for the most recent schedule!






Adult Education Series at 9:40

Who Is In Charge? A Look at the Book of Judges

From the death of Joshua to the rise of the first kings of ancient Israel—who was in charge?  That’s a really good question.  For hundreds of years the ancient people of Israel were led by folks called judges.  They didn’t wear long robes and didn’t have gavels…so who where they?  Join us as we look at some of these color men and women (yes Deborah was one of the judges of Isreal) and see how there stories might bring us some modern day insight as well.


Mary Kay Pinckney Small Group - Sunday Evenings once/month at 6:30 (Meets offsite)

This small group works our way through an inspirational book or two each year. Meets offsite; please contact the church office for more information.



JAM (Jesus and Me) Women's Circle - Second Monday at 1 pm - Meeting at LCR - Conference Room

Join JAM for study and discussion -  meeting monthly!



Dan Tegtmeier Small Group - First Monday at 6:30 pm


Our group jumps around more than some others. Our study is not so much about a story or section of the Bible, as it is with topics such as faith, trust, salvation, etc. We meet off-site - usually at someone’s home during the winter - on the first Monday evening of the month.



Pastor's Wednesday Scripture Study - Every Wednesday at 11 am - LCR Fellowship Hall

On Wednesday at 11 am in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Jeff will lead us on a weekly reflection on the upcoming lessons for Sunday morning.  There is no better way to prepare for worship than to be in conversation with the scriptures for the day.  Feel free to come whenever it works into your schedule or become a regular!  Your thoughts and insights will help enlighten the weekly sermon and prepare you to get more out of worship.   


Rebecca Mary Martha Circle - First Wednesdays at 1 pm

We meet once a month at the church. In addition to bible study, our group takes part in service projects through Lutheran World Relief.



Donna Dennis Small Group -

First and Third Thursdays

6:30 pm

This group dives deep into short scripture readings daily. We summarize our thoughts onto paper and then meet on the first and third Thursdays at 6:30 pm to review and share our discoveries. We marvel at how our daily reading can comfort and encourage each of us in different ways while understanding that was His design all along. All are welcome!