Connect + Engage

Book Club

Next Book Club:

Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30 pm

 Conference Room


Our next book is "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimmerer.


Pick up a book from the tote in the church office!


PEP (People Enjoying People) Group +55

Next P.E.P. 55+ Event:

Sunday, April 13

3:30 pm


Join us on Sunday, April 13 for Jean Hammill's presentation, "Exercise to Keep You Off the Floor and Out of the Doctors Office"

Gatherings at LCR (formerly Lifetree Cafe)

The Next Gatherings:

 Friday, March 28

at 12:00 pm



Gatherings at LCR (formerly Lifetree Cafe) is an informal group that meets to discuss a current topic, engaging in small and large group conversation.  Their motto says, "You're welcome just as you are. Your thoughts are welcome, your doubts are welcome. We're all in this together. God is here, ready to connect with you in a fresh way." Coffee and snacks are provided.


Next Cribbage:

 Friday, March 28 at 1:15 pm in the Cafe


Cribbage meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays from 1:15-3:15 to enjoy card-playing fellowship.  Everyone is welcome, including non-members and those who have never played before. There is no fee to participate, just come and have some fun! Contact the church office with questions. 

Art Painting Group

Next Painting Group:

April 1 at 6:30 pm


LCR has started a painting group for adult artists working in any painting medium - oils, acrylics, watercolors, etc.  They will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. If you haven't painted before and are interested in learning more, please contact the church office. 

LCR Walking Group

Walking Group

Thursdays  at 10  am - OFFSITE


Welcome to our new walking group!  Please contact the church office to get on our email list, so we can share the next place with you!

Wednesday Night Live: 4th - 6th Grade Students

Wednesday Night Live

6 pm - Wednesdays


Click to Register


7:30 pm - Wednesdays


Click to Register


Next Scrapbookers:



Bring your projects and supplies!


Soup + Sandwich Potluck Luncheon


Card Makers and Sewers are also welcome!

Train Dominoes

1st and 3rd Fridays at 1 pm



Join us for an afternoon of fun and laughter playing Train Dominoes! If you've never played, we'll teach you! Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!

Candy Bar Bingo


Sunday, April 6 - 1-2 pm



Candy Bar Bingo - we play for fun and treats! All are welcome. Free to play!