There is a place for you at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection!

Our Mission Statement:

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection exists to 

WELCOME people to a community of faith;

CONNECT people to Jesus through the Word of God; and

SEND disciples into the world to

SERVE in Jesus's name.


We are providing in-person and online worship at 8:30 and 10:30 am on Sunday mornings, and Wednesday worship at 6 pm.

Services are streamed on our YouTube Channel.

Regular Worship Schedule


8:30 AM | First Light Traditional Worship

This service is for people who prefer a traditional worship setting. We use liturgical settings throughout the year. Piano and organ are the principal instruments, with songs being sung from the Lutheran hymnals. The Resurrection choirs and small ensembles often perform anthems.


10:30 AM | Contemporary Worship

This service is led by our worship band which plays contemporary Christian music.  This service includes an extended time of worship through music and incorporates time for prayer before the reading of scripture and the message for the day. 


6:00 PM | Worship

Lent Wednesday Worship - 6:00 pm

Refresh your spirit!  Please join us for a casual gathering with its own message, celebrating music from a range of worship styles.

Holy Week Schedule


Come As You Are

We want you to come just as you are. When you walk through our doors you may see people in suits and ties, but you will also see people in jeans and t-shirts. We want to make sure when you visit you are comfortable and that is all that matters to us. As long you are come through our doors, we want to make sure you feel loved and welcomed. If you ever need anything, always feel free to connect with us. We love to hear from our new visitors. 


Informed by the Great Commandment (found in Matthew 22:36-39) and the Great Commission (found in Matthew 28:19-20), we see our purpose as five-fold.


an inviting hand that reaches out to others with the story of God's great love


a thankful heart for worship that gives glory to God and brings us closer to Christ


a welcoming voice that encourages and supports Christian community


an earnest mind, that grows in knowledge and faith and helps us become more Christ-like


a compassionate spirit that heals hurts, gives hope, and works for justice in the name of Jesus